There are 4 Anytime Fitness gyms in convenient locations for tourists in Yokohama. One is close to a popular shopping mall; Minatomirai. Other one is close to a popular Yamashita park. Because the majority of Yokohama's tourist attractions are located between these two gyms, you can plan your sightseeing and workout efficiently!
Anytime Fitness Minatomirai is close to a popular and huge shopping mall in Yokohama. It is one block walk from the shopping mall between big buildings. It is big and nice.
Anytime Fitness Yamashitacho is close to a popular Yamashita park and China town. Perfect location if you want to eat yummy Chinese and chill out in the park after workout !
Anytime Fitness Kannai is located at the edge of main area. It is still walking distance to most of tourist spots in Yokohama (or take a train for a few stops)
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